Orthotic Care Services | Helmet FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will they be in the helmet?

  • 3-6 months, but your child's growth and wear schedule dictate the duration of the helmet treatment. The average treatment is about 4 months.

How many hours each day does it need to be worn?

  • 23 out of 24 hours per day. Because the helmet is redirecting growth which may happen 24 hours per day, it needs to be worn full time.

Does the helmet hurt?

  • No, a custom remolding helmet improves head shape by holding the prominent areas and guiding future growth. It does not squeeze or push the head.

Will they lose their hair?

  • Some hair may be rubbed off in small areas, but this is not permanent and will grow back.

Is the helmet too heavy?

  • No, adequate head control is evaluated before starting helmet treatment.

Why does the head look lumpy?

  • That is a good sign. It indicates skull growth is happening.

Will their ear shift back?

  • Not always, but when the rest of the head looks symmetrical, any asymmetry of the ears will be less noticeable.

Are babies bothered by the helmet?

  • No, most babies dislike the donning and doffing process, but once the helmet is on, they forget about it.

Could my child's head shape worsen after treatment is done?

  • Rarely. By the time the child is finished with the helmet, they will be spending less time on their back, sleeping in different positions, and the growth is slower.