Orthotic Care Services | Lowers FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Braces should never be worn without shoes for several reasons. Your child’s brace(s) and shoe(s) are designed to be worn together, and the shoes are an integral part of the system. Without the proper footwear, your child’s brace may not function correctly. It can also be dangerous to wear your brace(s) without shoes due to the risk of slipping or tripping. Lastly, wearing the brace(s) without shoes can damage the brace(s). This type of damage is not covered under warranty.

  • Socks should be taller than the AFO, good at wicking moisture, and have no heel pocket or seam at the toe. Orthotic Care Services can provide socks – ask your Orthotist for details.

  • Socks should be changed daily. High activity or irritation may require more frequent changes.

  • Generally, you will need a boot two sizes larger than what your child wears without the brace(s) and with a tongue that can open enough for the brace(s) to slip in. Check out our Winter Boot Recommendations list for specific recommendations.

  • We use several items to "tune" your child's brace(s) to their specific needs. If any of these items become detached, please schedule an adjustment appointment so that the brace(s) can be reset.

  • You will need to schedule an adjustment appointment to get the shoe(s)/brace(s) set up and functioning appropriately.

  • Our straps are covered under our 90-day warranty. Strap replacement outside the 90-day warranty is a covered benefit and can be billed to insurance.

  • No, the more active your child is, the greater the opportunity for the brace(s) to create change. Most children adapt to the brace(s) quickly.

  • Yes, there are several strategies for this. Ask your Physical Therapist for recommendations.

  • Plan on wearing the brace full-time for 1 year or until your child outgrows the brace. The duration of treatment will vary from patient to patient. Your Orthotist will provide more specific information at the time of your fitting.

  • Braces are designed to last 9-12 months, but it depends on your child's growth rate.

  • It is recommended that your child wear the brace full-time during the day (with shoes). Unless advised by your Orthotist, braces don't need to be worn for naps or bedtime.

  • For the best outcomes, brace(s) should be worn anytime your child is standing or walking. Contact your Orthotist if you have extenuating circumstances.